About Us
We are four dentists who work in University Dental Schools. We all carry out research into orthodontics and publish this in journals. While we do have links with orthodontic societies and professional bodies we are independent and the views that we include on this website are our own. We aim to provide Orthodontic Sense to help you decide on treatment.

Professor Kevin O’Brien
I work at the University of Manchester. I carry out research that aims to find out the best way of treating orthodontic problems. My twitter name is @OBrienK57

Professor Padhraig Fleming
I work at Queen Mary’s University London. My best known research has been into finding out the best type of brace for common orthodontic problems

Professor Susan Cunningham
I work at the Eastman Dental Institute, University College, London. I carry out research into what people can expect from orthodontic treatment.

Professor Zoe Marshman
I work at the University of Sheffield. I carry out research into the way that children feel about their teeth. My twitter name is @zmarshman
We would like to acknowledge the help of the following people in preparing the content for this website;Sarah Bell, Charlotte Dugdale, Madeleine Storey, Preeti Jauhar, Priya Shah, Ahmed El-Angbawi and Farooq Ahmed